MASTER BLASTER: Fallout 76 Pistol Tutorial
Create a prop replica from new Fallout 76 game.
Create a prop replica from new Fallout 76 game.
Continuing the basics for constructing awesome armor.
Presenting the basics of pattern making for awesome armors.
Cosplay legend Yaya Han weighs in with more on artistic collaborations and partnerships.
Video tutorials show how to create the perfect creature extremities for your cosplay projects.
Clarke Cosplay presents the basic tools important for creating great cosplay, particularly when building with EVA foam.
Things to consider in the cosplay planning stage and basic tools to help bring a more accurate cosplay to completion.
Video from Kamui Copslay explains how they created the Gauss Rifle for Fallout 4.
Bruce Holt shows his method for creating a Lady Sif costume within a three week deadline.
A short tutorial for painting white foam armor pieces to look more like real bone.
Kamui Cosplay takes us through the construction process of one of her most challenging cosplays yet, the Aloy armor from Horizon Zero Dawn, which took almost four months to complete.
Rob Venom shows the long process he went through in creating his mighty mashup cosplay beast.
Egg Sisters Cosplay show how to sculpt, cast, and add electronics to create a frighteningly realistic pulsating heart prop!