COSPLAY 101: Armor Construction With Arda Wigs – Part 2
Continuing the basics for constructing awesome armor.
Continuing the basics for constructing awesome armor.
Adrestia Cosplay takes you through the build process of her awesome World of Warcraft's Sindragosa cosplay.
The curious crown-like hat made famous by Jughead for 70+ years is enjoying new popularity as a knitted beanie as seen on the Riverdale TV series.
Make your store-bought Fallout Pip-Boy look like it's spent years in the wasteland after just a few minutes of re-painting and weathering!
The right and truthful way to texture Worbla for your cosplay armor!
Worbla has recently added a new plastic to their lineup, Pearly Art, which is a smooth, light-colored plastic that claims great smoothness and stretchability.
Cosplay champs Egg Sisters Cosplay take you through some advanced lighting FX for your cosplay projects!
Crazed super-fan/genius inventor Colin Furze has built a spectacular full scale TIE Silencer fighter in honor of new Star Wars film The Last Jedi!
Build your own battle gear from the latest installments of everyone's favorite space fantasy! Your creative force awakens!
Build your own the Fat Man launcher from Fallout 4
This bonnet makes the Purr-fect accessory for Lolita and alt-fashion!
James Bruton's skill at designing and constructing wearable garage kits is unmatched outside of Hollywood. Here's his staggeringly realistic and functional Hulkbuster armor cosplay video tutorial.
This classic technique is perfect for pinup looks, both with wigs and natural hair! Wear it as a DC Bombshell gal, or with a Rockabilly dress!